Washing machine

The washing machine often tells that the moment of answering for [x] is imminent; a necessary action must be taken, often involving ablution. Far from being outer-worldly, it belongs to the phenomenal world, and refers to the everyday materiality of life, actions that make physically observable change, and actions that may appear unassuming in their potency. The washing machine is markedly not a mystical well for cleansing--it has a certain banality, some reprieve from the abstract, it is not the magic of dreams but it is not without its magic.
Rhythm is important here, a circling repetition that creates a pattern that transforms and moves with time rather than moving in a single moment:
“mid 16th century (also originally in the sense ‘rhyme’): from French rhythme, or via Latin from Greek rhuthmos (related to rhein ‘to flow’).” “form” or “shape,” σχῆμα (skhêma). Related verbs as ῥυσμῶ, μεταρρυσμῶ, μεταρρυσμιζῶ (rhusmô, metarrusmô, metarrusmizô) meant identically “to shape” or “to transform, physically or morally sth./sb.””
Well, it all makes for interesting conjecture.
***Understanding of Pixel divination series I and its draws is in living development where more is bound to emerge!
Email languid.biz@gmail.com if the washing machine has told you something you'd like to share.