
The crudeness of the truth. The fig holds some meaning of sensuality and sexuality. It is notable that figs and fig wasps have a mutualistic relationship. Female fig wasps enter the fig (which is actually a flower structure called a syconium) to lay their eggs. In the process, they pollinate the fig. An absorption and/or integration of potent or unwieldy elements, death and rebirth and the unlikely fruits of entanglement. Taste.
To call a spade a spade' can be traced back to the original Greek expression 'ta syka syka, ten skaphen de skaphen onomasein' - 'to call a fig a fig, a trough a trough' - which was a sexual allusion, in keeping with the original Greek meaning which was 'to use crude language'. At some stage between the 14th and 16th centuries the Greek word for trough 'skaphe:' was mis-translated within the expression into the Latin for spade - 'ligo' - (almost certainly because Greek for a 'digging tool' was 'skapheion' - the words 'skaphe:' and 'skapheion' have common roots, which is understandable since both are hollowed-out concave shapes). [Source]
Well, it all makes for interesting conjecture.
***Understanding of Pixel divination series I and its draws is in living development where more is bound to emerge!
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